There is a lot happening this year in the world of night vision. AB Night Vision is responsible for the nearly bullet-proof RNVG (Ruggedized Night Vision Goggle) that has made a huge impact on the NOD community. It looks like (just in time for SHOT Show) they are announcing two new housings. The ARNVG (Articulating Ruggedized Night Vision Goggle) and the RNVG-VG (VG = Variable Gain). This is big news for those of you who prefer aluminum dual tube housings. The two things that the original RNVG lacked (according to some) was variable gain and articulating pods. Now there are a couple of new options on the market.

AB is not very active on social media but their dealers are. Off the top of my head we have Steele Industries Inc and Night Vision Inc showing it off on their social media.
Early reports (not verified) indicate that the ARNVG housing will go for around $2,400 (no optics or tubes). No word yet on the RNVG-VG.
Night Vision Inc says they will have units available for viewing at SHOT Show this year at Booth 60004. Steel Industries Inc has stated the same. Both firms appear to have units ready to sell on their website.