

Everything posted on this blog is my personal opinion and does not necessarily represent the views of any other person or party.

What will I find on this website/blog?

Hi. My name is Brent and here on 30MC you will find a collection of firearms (and firearms adjacent) related content that I find interesting. Some is written by me and some are reposts. Technical information, training, gunsmithing, gear, gift ideas, books, and maybe even some politics.

What is with the name, 30 Magazine Clip?

On January 13, 2014 a certain State Senator (no reason to name names) held a press conference where he held a modern rifle in his hands and stated, “This is a ghost gun. This right here has the ability with a .30-caliber clip to disperse with 30 bullets within half a second. Thirty magazine clip in half a second.” The pro-gun community lost their minds with this statement as it is factual non-sense.  Memes were produced by the hundreds to mock this statement.  30MC was originally intended to be a place on the internet that offered purely factual information regarding firearms to journalists, politicians, or other individuals who are simply new to the subject.  This is especially necessary because of so much negative, yet incorrect, information out there regarding firearms.  We can’t force people to use the correct information but we can make it easy to obtain for those who are interested in reporting and passing correct information.  This was the primary focus of 30MC.  The idea later evolved into adding a blog element and informational articles regarding technical shooting skills and some humor.

Where did 30MC come from?

As I said before… my name is Brent. I have spent over a decade in the “tactical gear” industry (design and manufacturing) and I hope to share some of the knowledge I have gained over that time.  Welcome.

A Technical Shooters Blog