I just published a new article here on 30MC regarding the types of machines needed to sew your own tactical gear. It is located at the top NAV BAR under TACTICAL DIY > HOW TO START SEWING TACTICAL GEAR.
Tag Archives: tactical gear
Asymmetric Pastry Device – Coming soon from 30MC
DIY Make Webbing From Fabric
Video description: Welcome to the first episode of our new series ‘Because I Sew That’. These tutorials will not be meant to cover any hyper-complex procedures or methods. Rather a simple introduction into building your own gear and some tips and tricks to make things a bit easier.
In this episode we are making 1″ webbing for PALS out of 1000D Cordura fabric. This could be useful if you are not able to get matching webbing for your project. It will also match the rest of your project perfectly being made from same material.
What Does Fabric Denier Mean?
Did you ever wonder what all the 330D, 500D, 1000D jazz was about when talking about tactical gear? Here you go.